Villages Parrot Heads Club Volunteers Help Wanted
(receive Parrot Points)
Volunteer Trustee: Jaci Burdash, jlb2500@gmail.com, 312 209-9090
Jaci tracks and records the Parrot Points reported to her from our
Monthly Phlocking Chairs, Club Special Event Chairs, and Out of Club Contacts.
Email the below contacts if you are interested in volunteering.
More details of volunteer needs are in the current newsletter and on the Facebook page, both of which can be reached at https://www.villagesparrotheads.com/
Phlocking Attendance: Jaci Burdash, jlb2500@gmail.com
50/50: Deb Warren, Warrendeborah7@gmail.com
Members Table: Johnny Ward, johnnyward300@yahoo.com
New Members Table: Judy Turner, jturner2833@yahoo.com
Phins-Up Shop: Jim Dieleman, Hawkaye0089@aol.com
Security: David Walls, dmwalls2001@yahoo.com
Golf Tournament: David Walls, dmwalls2001@yahoo.com
Poker Run: Kathi Purdy, phpurdy22@gmail.com
Volunteer Positions Outside Our Club
(receive Parrot Points)
To be an approved charity, it must be a “not-for-profit” organization and registered with the State of Florida. Also, the contact or assistance must be willing to track the volunteer’s hours worked each month and report them back to our Volunteer Trustee to receive Parrot Points. Email the charity contact below if you are interested and tell them you are a Parrot Head.
Wildwood Soup Kitchen: Barbara McManus, barb.mcmanus@yahoo.com, 352-299-6494. A church based not-for-profit organization that feeds the hungry in Wildwood Florida, complete the application, and include that you are a Parrot Head. Website: wildwoodsoupkitchen.orgVillages
Regional Hospital: Gloria Counselman, tvrhvpo@centflhealth.org, 352-751-8176
Cornerstone Hospice: Heidi Gamet, hgaumet@cshospice.org
Operation Homebound: OHB@northlakepc.org, 352-689-1023. A Meals on Wheels program for The Villages and surrounding areas.
Best Buddies International: centralflorida@bestbuddies.org, 407-898-0787. The charity is dedicated to ending the social, physical, and economic isolation for people with disabilities, e.g. downs syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injury.
Shepherd’s Lighthouse: Kathie Niesem, katcarl@prodigy.net, 847-641-3287. The charity helps homeless women and mother’s with children get back on their feet by providing temporary shelter and training. The charity also has open positions on their Board of Directors.