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PHlocking 1_edited

Phlockinh 11

Phlocking 3

PHlocking 1_edited
Our regular meetings are known as PHlockings, as Parrots don't meet together, they "Phlock" together. All phlockings include live music and you can order food and refreshments.
These are very popular events, So you will want to get there early.
The purpose of the Phlockings is to provide a semi-social environment where membership can, but are not limited to:
Receive information on upcoming Club activities and events;
Learn how to sign up for upcoming activities, events or committees.
Learn how to join or renew your memberships.
Just hang out with all our phriends and fellow parrotheads.
Club members shall be informed of the Phlocking’s place, date and time through email, Club newsletter and Club website, and our Facebook page.
Parking is usually limited, so please park on the outer limits of the parking lot or the designated golf cart parking area.
NOTICE: You may NOT bring in ANY outside beverage.
PHlockings are usually held three times a month.
1st Wednesday 3:30PM to 6PM- Cane Garden Country Club
2nd Wednesday 1:00 to 3:30PM - Havana Country Club
3rd Sunday 3:30PM to 6PM- Belle Glade Country Club

Where We Meet
Cane Garden Country Club
Havana Country Club

Belle Glade Country Club

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